
Zoe Ann Nishimuta

What a cool idea.
I wrote Love and Gratitude
on my Brita water filter pitcher. :)

We're overflowing
cups of love and gratitude
magic forever

bryan plymale

"Without spilling, drinking, tipping or sipping,
there is no room for NOW to fill you UP"

i can certainly relate to this. thank you.

my new bajaj motorcycle is now named "raddha's love and gratitude".


I like to hold the glass in my hands and thank it personally either silently or with a few words like "Thank you Ma..."

And by the way, Thank You, for pointing out the hexagon connection, the star of David. I hadn't really thought of that.

I will share some links on water energizing that I've been exploring in the Gathering forums.

sandy simon

I have been a potter my entire adult life and I love making cups. When I make them, I pour the contents of my thinking and my experience, and my skill into them. They become more than a cup. They can offer more than a drink. I am with this idea all the way.


I hold my hand over it and send healing Reiki Love energy into it with the intent that it is blessed as a healing tonic. Then I send my breath across it three times, sending love and gratitude into it, and I'm good to go!

Brother Light En

Love this blog blessing water is so important. Another way of blessing water is by positive imagination. Put hands around you cup, glass, mug etc. and visualize love energy extending from your hands and fingers into your water. Imagine the energy as any type of color or shape and know that what you are seeing in your mind is what is happening to the water.


Darlene Stark

I love this water blessing. Thank you for this message today.

Many Blessings to you!


This is wonderful...never thought of myself as the cup. Thank you for this amazing thought provoking journey...

anita winter

I write on a peace of paper gratitude or love, light, healing, and put a bottle of water on the paper ... I leave it overnight so the moon and morning sun wil put some loving energy in the water 2 ..... I also sing to my water .... the 'little' affirmation song 'attitude of gratitude' .... great song!!! .... you can download it for free at http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=860372 ...

With gratitude and love,

Suzie Cheel

I have written on my wonderful water bottle that has motivational sayings on there too

Monique Drinkwater

I bless all water in the silence of the morning and evening....you of course must be careful what you ask for, i once asked to over come all fears on my water cooler as i was working on my kidney chi, i of course came upon fear after fear, way to many in a row and got myself into a state....so now my intentions and words are clear like the water i drink...thank you to all for sharing, i learn so much on every visit to the gratitude site..x


I Am a commercial sheet metal worker and a couple years ago my union sent me to work a company that had the contract for the city of St Paul Minnesota's waste water facility which processes the waste water and pours it into the Mississippi River. On the inside of every piece of stainless steel I installed I inscribed
Love and Gratitude"
Alongside the GoGratitude symbol as well. I had given the Messages From Water book to my supervisor. He Loved it. One day the water plant quality control people were looking at things and I gave one of them the book. The water quality control man stopped by again a week later and said he bought copies of it for some of his co-workers. I never thought I'd say it...but Reginald M Perrin would certainly have approved.
World Gratitude Toga Toga Aligned with the Heart's calling and embracing the Great Fullness Of Life


I use the Reiki energy/universal source energy to bless the water when I bathe. That it may not only cleanse, and uplift me, but that it also does so everywhere that water goes when it goes down the drain. So I imagine the Mississippi and eventually the golf of Mexico( and all points between) being cleaned, recharged and uplifted by my water.
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, receive and give. Love it!


I label all my liquids, water, milk, soft drinks etc.... with DIVINE LOVE as soon as I get them from shop. I also have labelled all my other containers with DIVINE LOVE, everything has a certain amount of moisture and its easy to put labels.

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The more you fight something, the more anxious you become ---the more you're involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. Do you understand?


Hello from Montana,
I am so grateful for all that you do to help the world. Your posts are filled with AHA moments and nudges from spirit to take action.

Know that you are loved and appreciated.

Judy Helm Wright


I love todays message about being the cup. I would like
to print out the Master Pyramid.
It was too light to show up.
The printing was fine and came
Thanks and I am sending a check.

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