Just for today:
Imagine our symbol of Gratitude as a human halo
Divinely designed to rest on our heads,
linear time curving round to rise beyond Now
as receiver, translator, and illuminated believer.
Go Gratitude!
On the flip side of the symbol?
An 'e' ... for ecstasy.
... Ecstatically grateful, crowned in glory ~ all by choice, temperament, and inner voice.
Plus! Gratitude, re-presented by this physical symbol, allows our logical minds to perceive the
possibility, mechanics and presence of an energetic ring, lightly toted above our earthly Being. As this logical mind feels satisfied, releasing control to higher guidance, an extension begins to make manifest the peace within - moving beyond fear, terror, anger or rage to embody Love as Light, with Gratitude present and in-sight!
Oh! and consider this: Ecstasy is rooted in the Greek word, ekstasis, meaning to stand outside oneself, to feel your sense of self projected to a point outside that occupied by your body.
Ecstatic Gratitude - Hellllloooo, Halo!
As you focus on the physical heart and generate the feeling of appreciation, or gratitude, a waveform of energy begins to flow throughout the body—carried by the magnetic fields of the heart, which emanate outward from the physical heart to encompass your entire body. As the flow of energy begins throughout the body, there is a spontaneous arising of ecstasy—cellular ecstasy.
...In working with this method your attention is, again, on the heart, generating feelings of appreciation and gratitude. And as you sense ecstasy beginning to arise in your body, you shift your attention to the field around your body. This field of energy looks very much like a luminous egg when viewed clairvoyantly.
...There is a central line or axis that runs through the center of this field, and it happens to also run through the center of your physical body—through the top of the head and down through the perineum. This line is the central axis of the magnetic field that comprises the subtle energy body. This body, or field, extends above the head and below the feet a few inches, to a several feet, or even yards. In certain highly charged energy states, the axis and subtle energy body can expand much farther than that.
By shifting your attention to this central axis and to the field surrounding your body, you allow the ecstasy to move out from the physical body into the field. This is very positive and creates powerful harmonic patterns that bring you into resonance with the waveforms of accelerated evolution that are flowing through your galaxy.
~ The Hathors, through Tom Kenyon
World Gratitude Gathering ~
~ Aligning with the
Heart's calling and Embracing the Great*full*ness of Life! ~
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I would like to talk with you about writing a monthly column on Gratitude in The Infinite Field Magazine. I have not seen anyone who talks about Gratitude and the Gratitude symbols the way that you do. I ran across your info. on Twitter.
Please email me.
Posted by: Synolve | August 20, 2009 at 05:55 PM
Hero - and he is such a person in a defining moment for the human society has made the need.Do you think so?
Posted by: new balance | September 16, 2010 at 05:58 PM
Hello from beautiful Montana,
I am so proud of the work you have done to help the global world to remember gratitude.
Thanks for your efforts. I am trying to build a tribe of kind, thoughtful people who want respect for all at http://www.cyberbullyinghelp.com It would be an honor to be linked to you. jhw
Posted by: Judy H.Wright aka Auntie Artichoke | October 11, 2010 at 05:36 AM
The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ".
Posted by: new balance | October 14, 2010 at 02:15 AM
If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don't,
If you like to win, but you think you can't
It is almost certain you won't. Do you think so?
Posted by: Air Jordan | January 24, 2011 at 07:26 PM
Now that is balance talking. Very symbolical.
Posted by: new jersey it services | March 31, 2011 at 08:29 AM
Love makes man grow up or sink down
Posted by: Air Jordan Retro | May 04, 2011 at 07:40 PM
Let us remember this history, and answer our destiny and remake the world once again.
Posted by: Christian Louboutin Shoes | June 02, 2011 at 08:13 PM
Honestly, they symbol is very appropriate for its meaning.
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