Seed balls: Complimentary growing
partners held together by nutritive materials, wisely spread about the earth to replenish land, nourish inhabitants, and encourage strength through diversity.
Created to sprout during optimum conditions, allowing Mother Earth to activate Divinely designed coding within, these time capsules of living, loving possibility are present, accounted for, and prepared to go/grow Now.
You see, we have been gathering to replenish the Earth with (k)new seeds balls of
Light, in hue-man form, all coded for creation, and
mixed with Love and Gratitude.
We, the Seed Balls, are spread across all lands, yet intimately connected. Through intent, and by being aligned with the Heart's calling, we will grow to thrive, beautify and enliven all creation.
Each Seed Ball has been planted, catalyzed, and nourished by our world wide wave of Gratitude ... each held sacred at the Heart of YOU!
Go Gratitude!
Imagine the unfolding like this:
Consider: Even our symbol
of Gratitude, by divine design, is a seed
ball. Centered within is a seed, sprouting round as a (k)new possibility, held safe by a community-created sacred space, at the Heart of Gratitude.
Now imagine you are this
seed, embraced by the Great*Full*Ness of Life.
In order to Go, this seed must
Beloveds, This is a great
time to re-view the short movie made for this wave of
World Gratitude:
Here you will find a Dream Seed,
planted upon the
Our waking dreams are these Seed
Balls of possibility. Together we are preparing the way to thrive and In-JOY life ... All by Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the Great*Full*Ness of Life!
As the light of the sun
Nourishes the earth
Life sprouts through the plant
Allowing us to transform
The earth's breath of life
human deeds of light
Replenishing the source
~ author unknown
* The blessing seed - by Alison Dexter*
Also - In-JOY this great site sharing guidance on how to make Seed Balls, as well as other wisdom tools for living a great-full life!
World Gratitude Gathering ~
~ Aligning with the
Heart's calling and Embracing the Great*full*ness of Life! ~
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